

香港兼職 | 信息詳情:

Customer Service Executive - 公營機構電子平台


1. 以積極、友善和專業的態度解答一般查詢

Respond to general inquiries promptly and accurately with a positive, friendly and professional attitude, using good communication skills and professional knowledge to provide clear and understandable answers to customers and present a good image of the company.

2. 通過電話和電子郵件滿足/跟進客戶不同的服務需要

1. 14 天有薪年假 員工享有每年 14 天的有薪年假,可自由安排休息和度假時間,放鬆身心,恢復精力。 14 days of paid annual leave. Employees enjoy 14 days of paid annual leave per year, and can freely arrange rest and vacation time to relax and regain energy. 2. 員工介紹獎金(如適用) 鼓勵員工推薦合適人才加入公司,若推薦成功,可獲得相應的獎金,促進公司人力資源的良性發展。 Employee referral bonus (if applicable). Encourage employees to recommend suitable talents to join the company. If the referral is successful, the corresponding bonus will be obtained, promoting the healthy development of the company』s human resources. 3. 完善在職培訓 公司提供全面且深入的在職培訓,包括客戶服務技巧、產品知識、行業規範等方面,助力員工提升專業能力和工作水平。 Comprehensive on-the-job training. The company provides comprehensive and in-depth on-the-job training, including customer service skills, product knowledge, industry regulations, etc., helping employees improve their professional ability and work level. 4. 免費醫療福利包括門診及住院保障 為員工提供免費的醫療福利,涵蓋門診診療和住院治療,減輕員工在健康方面的經濟負擔,使其能安心工作。 Free medical benefits including outpatient and inpatient coverage. Provide employees with free medical benefits, covering outpatient consultations and inpatient treatments, reducing the employees』 financial burden in terms of health and enabling them to work with peace of mind. 5. 電訊及其他産品員工折扣優惠 員工可享受電訊及公司其他產品的折扣優惠,在日常生活消費中獲得實惠。 Employee discounts on telecommunications and other products. Employees can enjoy discount offers on telecommunications and other company products, obtaining benefits in daily consumption.

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